
Frequently asked questions about "Transport & Logistics"

Do you need a copy of the CMR?

Yes, we do. Please send a readable scan of the CMR to


Which transport company do you use to deliver the car?
We use a network of reliable European transport companies.
I work for a transport company and we want to offer our services to Network4Cars. Who should I contact?
Please contact our logistics department at
What is the delivery time of the car?
The most up-to-date delivery information can be found on the customer portal. Please contact your support representative if you need any further information or advice.
When will I receive the car?
The most recently updated delivery date can be found on the portal. Once the transport is booked, you will receive an automated email with our planned loading date. Please be informed that from that date it will take on average three to five business days from loading until your car is delivered. If the loading date is delayed, we will inform you.
What if I want the car(s) to be delivered at an address different than the one specified in the order?
Check this possibility with your sales representative as soon as possible. We will also check with our logistics department to see if it is possible to change the delivery address. Please bear in mind that changing the unloading address after transport is booked can incur additional charges.
The car was loaded a week ago, but I haven’t received it yet. What do I do now?
Please contact your support representative at
Can I pick up the car myself?
You can pick up the car in person from one of our compounds. If you are interested in this option, please discuss it with your sales representative before your sales order is finalized.
Do you deliver cars the whole year round?
We aim to deliver the cars all year around, including holiday periods. But transport around bank holidays (e.g. Christmas, New Year and local bank holidays in particular) is more difficult to arrange. We work closely with our partners to increase the opportunities to deliver on these dates.
Do you also deliver cars in the weekend?
This is not a common situation, but with some of our logistics partners it is possible to deliver cars at the weekend. Discuss the possibilities with your support representative.
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