
Big impact car production due to COVID-19, but market will restart

Big impact car production due to COVID-19, but market will restart

European factory shutdowns as a result of the COVID-19 crisis have resulted in an enormous production loss. Most of the European car factories are closed for around 3 weeks now. The ACEA informs us, the production of vehicles shrunk with nearly 1,5 million. As expected this number will increase the coming weeks if the factories remain closed for a longer period of time.

Restart of production

Is there light at the end of the tunnel? It seems like it, because several car factories consider restarting the production. The factories that consider a restart includes: Volkswagen, Fiat, Chrysler and Volvo. A restart of factories in the USA will not take place for now. Also, Renault has no plans to restart the production yet and Ford informs us that the European factories remain closed until at least May 4th. For the whole overview of restart information, please find the table below. Car factories considering opening their doors again is related to the expectation of the market recovery.

Europe automotive production restart information

Source: ECG

Scarcity of cars

At this moment, the current stock of new cars can bridge the cap for coming weeks and stuff the shortage of car production. The longer the car factories remain closed, the bigger the chance of shortage of certain brands and models.

Enough stock of different brands

At Network4Cars we have enough stock of new cars and vans. Please check our stock page for all the cars. Do you need a car but it’s not included on the web page? Please contact us to discuss the opportunities.

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