
These type approval for vehicles will expire in 2020

These type approval for vehicles will expire in 2020

Just like every year, 2020 is full of trading regulations. One of these legal rules is the expiration date of type approval for vehicles. This means, after a specific date some types approval can’t be registered. Below you will find an overview of type approvals and the exceeding registration date in 2020.

Network4Cars keeps you moving

Network4Cars is looking closely for the specifics dates of exceeding type approvals.  This way you won’t face unpleasant surprises. We will keep you updated every year. Pay attention: this latest registration date just apply to new stock cars, meaning cars without a license plate.

How do I recognize when expiring type approvals?

The type of approval for stock cars is associated to emission standards. You can check which emission standard the concerning car belongs to based on the matching Certificate Of Conformity. Go to article 47 of your COC-document and you will see: Euro 6, followed by a 2-letter combination AE, AF, AK, AL, AM or DG. These are groups of types of approval that will expire this year. Please find the total overview with the latest date of registration below.

Do you have any questions? Please don’t hesitate to contact our team. We are happy to help you!


36 AE


Euro 6c

N1 Gruppe II

Benzin / Diesel


36 AF


Euro 6c

N1 Gruppe III, N2

Benzin / Diesel


36 AK


Euro 6d

N1 Gruppe II

Benzin / Diesel


36 AL


Euro 6d

N1 Gruppe III, N2

Benzin / Diesel


36 AM


Euro 6d-ISC

M, N1 Gruppe I

Benzin / Diesel


36 DG



M, N1 Gruppe I

Benzin / Diesel


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